Certified NLP Trainer & Coach, Neuro Linguistic Programming – Have expertise in open workshops and corporate workshops on NLP Foundation Course, A Personal Excellence Program to Use NLP in Daily Life; personally and professionally. Experience and Exposure to putting NLP at work in the areas of Leadership Development, Sales Development, Customer Service, Trainer’s Development, Outbound Programs, Coaching, Change Management, Etc.
Expertise in conducting Assessment Development Centres for Competency Mapping. Successful in Design & Implementation of Development Centres across functions in Organizations for Job Promotions, Training Need Analysis, Job & Role Structuring, etc. Have extended expertise in all stages of Assessment Development Centres; viz. designing competency framework, competency matrix, assessment centre activities design, administering assessment centre, report writing, individual development plan, post assessment training etc.
Expertise in design, implementation and processing of Outbound Learning; Successful in all the three variants of outbound viz. Activity-Based Learning, Games-Based Learning and Adventure-Based Learning.
Expertise in facilitating Train-The-Trainer Program, have successfully conducted TTT for trainers across India. Has the proven ability to blend the TTT Program with behavioural sciences (Neuro Linguistic Programming & Transaction Analysis) and Basic Human Context (Rapport, Love, Humour etc.)